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Camo Folding Knife as Your Survival Knife - A Suggestion


· Fixed Blade Knives

Survival knife is not a knife that can be described by its characteristics. It is defined by its capabilities and features. Not every knife can serve your survival. Such a knife is supposed to be powerful and stronger than ordinary knives. In other words, it must have the strength to ensure your survival in a difficult situation.

Since every knife is not a survival knife, we have managed to bring a knife that has every feature to be your knife for survival. Keeping in mind about knife for different survival situations, we have found this knife ideal.

It is necessary to determine what sort of survival situations we are talking about. The most significant one is the survival against the attackers. Secondly, there is a situation when you need to survive against a wild animal while camping. Thirdly, you need to survive in emergency situations.

fixed blade Survival Knife

In all these survival situations, we have a survival knife that will let you survive. But before we determine why it is the best choice, let us explain what sort of knife must be used for survival.

Which Knife Should Be Called a Survival Knife?

A survival knife is not one specific knife, rather, there are a few key features that make this knife. First of all, this knife should have a strong blade that can inflict a serious injury. After all, you need to survive against wild animals and attackers and only a powerful blade would let you survive in such situations.

Secondly, a survival knife must be easy to carry so that you always remain equipped with it. Emergency situations may come anytime and you can only survive if you carry a knife all the time. Also, such a knife should be the one that provides a control because control over the weapon is essential in a critical situation, such as self defense.

In addition, the blade should have different capabilities. For instance, it must be able to peel fruits and cut branches and wood etc. Also, it must have some tactical features. So, lets see if any knife has all these capabilities.

Survival Knife is Most Likely to be a Folding Knife 

Most people believe that survival knife should always be a folding knife. I believe they are right. The idea is that a knife to be used for survival must be the one that always stays with the user. There is no other knife that is easier to carry than a folder pocket knife.

This knife is small and easy to carry in a pocket because it has a foldable blade. The blade can be folded inside the handle to place in the pocket. On the other hand, fixed blade knives are massive and almost impossible to carry in the pocket. You need an additional sheath to carry it comfortably in the pocket which is unlike survival knife.

Best Survival Knife Revealed!

The best survival knife today is the “Survival Serrated Blade Orange Camo Folding Knife”. This is a camo style spring assisted knife with several fantastic features. Master USA has manufactured this knife and it has a few key features that make it excellent for survival.

What Makes This Camo Folding Knife Best for Survival?
- Blade Strength

The biggest factor that makes it a great survival knife is the strength possessed by its blade. It has a powerful blade of 3.5 inches and is made of quality stainless steel. This blade can be a perfect weapon to deal with the attackers as well as wild animals.

Generally, a folding blade is not very strong. It is for small and easy cutting tasks, but this blade has the ability to cut harder materials as well. The size of the knife also matters a lot. The overall size is 8.25 inches with a 4.75 inches handle and a 3.5 inches blade.

- Half Serrated Blade

Usually a folding knife contains a straight blade which is not ideal for survival. A survival knife is the one that lets you survive in almost every circumstance. Sometimes, you need to cut a seat belt to survive and sometimes, you need to break the glass or smash ice.

This camo folding knife is ideal in every survival situation because it has a half serrated blade. A blade that is partially serrated is supposed to perform different tasks. Such a blade can assist in every crunch situation where you need to survive.

- Foldable Blade

The biggest advantage of this camo pocket knife is its folding blade. A survival knife should essentially be easy to carry. It has to remain with you because you may require it anytime. Only a foldable knife is the one that can be carried with immense ease.

This knife has a folding mechanism that allows you to fold the blade inside the handle. Once the blade is folded in the handle, a safety lock makes sure that the blade remains locked inside it and does not open itself. As a result, the knife becomes extremely small and you can easily carry it in your pocket.

- Ergonomic Handle

This camo pocket knife has an ergonomic handle which is another key factor that makes it good for tactical and survival purposes. Ergonomic handle makes it easy to hold and control the knife. This is a feature that assists a lot during a survival situation.

Once you have a good control over the knife, you can easily survive in a difficult situation. In such a tense situation, you may lose grip on the handle which is dangerous. Ergonomic design strengthens your grip on the handle.

- Pocket Clip

A pocket clip is such a wonderful feature offered by this knife. This further helps in carrying the knife in the pocket. Sometimes, it is possible that you drop the knife while walking or running when the knife is placed in your pocket.

A pocket clip allows you to make the knife stick into your pocket. It is like carrying a pen in your pocket.

- Fire Starter

A significant feature of a survival knife is that it ensures your survival while camping in the wilderness. This is where you need to start fire which is generally a hard task. But, this camo folding knife features a fire starter that allows you to easily start fire in wilderness.