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Pocket Knife - A Necessity or Just a Handy Tool?


· Pocket Knives

Pocket knife might have been considered a handy thing to have, but it has gradually become a necessity. Now, I see almost everyone equipped with this small knife. The advantages of this weapon has made it an essential tool or weapon to carry. It serves both as a weapon and a tool.

As the name suggests, pocket knife is a knife designed to be carried in the pocket. The idea is to generate a weapon that stays in the pocket and serve when needed. And rightly so, it has been serving the users in plenty of ways. It is a small sized knife with a foldable blade. The blade folds to further lessen its size.

Pocket Knives

But, the question is whether it should be considered a handy tool or a necessity. Well, it has certainly become a necessity for self defense, utility and everyday carry.

Pocket Knife - Necessary for Self Defense

Since self defense knives has become necessary, carrying a weapon for defense has become essential as well. You should always be equipped with a weapon when you go outside because there can be an attacker awaiting you. The best weapon to carry is a pocket knife. It serves in the best way in a self defense situation.

When an attacker tries to attack, you require a weapon that is quick and effective. This knife is not just quick, it is effective as well. It lets you fight the attacker using the blade. You can use the blade for stabbing him and ultimately causing an injury. If you manage to leave the attacker injured, you can survive or save your life.

Pocket Knife - Necessary for Utility Uses

There are many utility uses that you can make with your pocket knife. You essentially want something to accomplish those utility uses. The most important utility and features of spring assisted knife is in the kitchen. It lets you peel fruits and cut vegetables so that you can prepare food. It can be used for cutting different objects, such as wires, ropes and ribbons etc. So, it is the best utility tool you would have in your collection for doing all the utility tasks with ease.

Pocket Knife - Necessary for Everyday Carry

Pocket knife may feature a small blade, but this blade is too strong and durable for everyday cutting tasks. There are plenty of routine tasks that you need to accomplish, and this knife helps. For instance, you can use it in your backyard for cutting branches that you don’t want. It can also be used for trimming those branches and grass.

Moreover, you can use it for opening packages and letters. In addition, it can help in opening bottles and other canned objects. Other everyday uses of this knife include removing nails, altering clothes, cutting price tags, removing loose threads and cutting ropes etc.

Key Benefits of A Pocket Knife

- Small Enough For a Pocket Carry

Pocket knives offer several advantages but the foremost among them is their small and reducible size. Remember it is a folding knife, the blade of which can be folded inside the handle. Even when the blade is opened, the size is not that massive. When the blade is folded, the size reduces to make it a very small knife.

These extremely small cool knives can now be placed in the pocket. Don’t be concerned about the size of your pocket, it can easily fit into the pocket. Hence, you can easily carry the knife in your pocket.

- Simplicity of Use

Pocket knife is very simple to use. The folding mechanism may seem a distress. But, you can use it with ease. There is a simple method that you need to follow to use this knife. Whether you are using it for self defense or utility work, there is nothing complex about the knife. Just practice opening and folding the blade once and you gain the entire expertise of using the knife.

- Multipurpose

A great advantage of a pocket knife is that it can serve multiple purposes. It is not a knife that is designed for a single, specific purpose. Rather, it can be used for plenty of tasks. The common uses of this knife are mentioned above.

But, let me repeat. This knife can be used for utility tasks, everyday tasks and self defense. So, this is a multipurpose blade that can be used for accomplishing different tasks. No other knife provides such luxury!

- Comfortable to Carry

You can comfortably carry a pocket knife. There is a solid safety mechanism installed in the knife that prevents you from accidental injuries. The lock prevents the blade from opening itself and causing damage to the user. The blade would only open when you want to open it. Hence, it is comfortable to place and carry it in your pocket.