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Top Three Methods to Utilize A Survival Knife


· Fixed Blade Knives

Scheduling an outing into the wild demands to be performed with proper care, while evaluating all kinds of conditions that you can face while you are outdoors. For such kinds of trips, keeping a survival knife is significant as anything can be encountered by you in such unusual places and there might be no sign of other people to assist you.

This is the reason the majority of people purchase a good quality survival blade before they set up their trip to any adventurous place.

If you are still thinking that why only this blade is so important for the wilderness, fixed blade survival knives are typically tested to work in harsh environments and also far-away places.

3 Common Methods of Using A Survival Knife:

These are very strong knives and people utilize them to do everything. Their usage can differ from an easy task like trimming a shoelace to difficult ones such as the game of hunting in the wild.

best survival knife

Here let us explain to you about the most popular usages of a survival blade that anyone will accept:

1.  Cutting and Slicing (Food Preparation):

When you are having your trip in the wilderness. Then you often require the survival blades for cutting slices of fruits or even vegetables for preparing food for yourself. For these purposes, survival blades are a must to take along. As they are helpful in making food as well as cutting off bushes to make your path to move easily in the wilderness.

In such situations, it is highly advised to keep your tough survival knife in your bag. If you are an adventure-loving person, this knife will assist you in a lot of different things and will also serve as a multi-purpose tool for you.

2.  Best Self Defense Weapon:

As the main purpose of this blade is your survival. So, even if you don’t need it for making food or cutting it, it is very important for anyone to carry this knife. Roaming around the dangerous ways can put you against several harmful animals in your selected places to visit.

Hence, you should always have a fixed or even folding survival knife along with you to defend yourself if you accidentally come across any deadly animal. This way all sorts of survival knives are a great option for your self-defense in the wilderness.

3.  Building a Place for Shelter:

One of the most basic needs of humans is its shelter and thus, you can stay safe while being on your trips far off your home. Survival knives help you create shelter while camping or hunting. These tools are more than enough to make you cut wooden pieces that can be used in making a shelter.

A good survival gear can also be very helpful in pitching up your shelter like any tent. Because it can also be utilized as a tool for hammering the pegs.


Thus, a survival knife is a must-have if you are planning to go to any unusual place. Moreover, always take good care of your blades as it is a one-time investment and you can’t buy them again and again. Lastly, always be cautious while using any bladed weapon.