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Top 6 Characteristics of a Perfect Push Dagger

· Daggers

Are you a fan of historical artifacts? Well, I am, as they make us feel connected to the historical era which had so many interesting and amazing things. A push dagger is one of those fascinating artifacts. Do you know what a dagger is? Some may say that a dagger is a knife. But I will correct that statement for you. A dagger looks like a knife but it’s a blade having a razor-sharpness with double edges. Daggers were used in earlier times for performing rituals and carrying out assassinations mainly. They were also used for self-defense as well and people even the women used to carry them for their personal safety, or the men would always carry them as a secondary weapon.

What is a Push Dagger?

A Push Dagger is a type of dagger and a very popular one too. It has a T-shaped design and has a short and wide blade that ends up on a pointed edge. The handle of this dagger is in a T shape and that is what facilitates the pushing factor. This dagger penetrates deeply into the victim’s body than any other type of dagger and allows you to firmly grip the dagger and push it with full force into the victim’s body, thus maximizing the number of injuries of pain to the victim.

The T-shaped handle of this dagger has a structure that is intended to be grasped with the goal that the cutting edge is jutted from your hand holding the dagger and protrudes out particularly in between your forefinger and the middle finger.

Read Also : Some Interesting Facts and a Brief Overview of the History of Push Daggers

The push dagger has risen and fallen and was used mainly as a battle weapon for certain military powers and even regular folks throughout human history since its invention. There are a few nations and states that have disallowed or prohibited moving, using and owning push daggers, for example, the United Kingdom and Canada. There are numerous laws inside specific states in the U.S that restrict the use of push daggers and consider them illegal. Also, there are states in the U.S which not only declare the use of push daggers to be illegal but consider owning them, manufacturing them or selling them, illegal.

Characteristics of a Push Dagger

The following are the features that a good push dagger must have. Let us have a look at them one by one.

1- Light-weighted

A push dagger should be light-weighted so that you can easily carry it around and use it easily as well without feeling uncomfortable bearing the heavy weight of it, because if you are comfortable, only then you will be able to use them comfortably.

2- Easily Concealable

A good push dagger should be designed in a way that it is easily concealable. Are you wondering why should it be concealable? Because an easily concealable push dagger gives you an edge of a concealed weapon over your assailant and gives you an advantage over your opponent as well.

3- Quality of Blade Material

The blade is a very important parts of a push dagger. Therefore, it should be made up of very good steel and should be quite sharp so that it can be fully functional and perform the deed effectively.

4- Cost

A good push dagger should be cost-effective as well. It means that it should have decent quality and a reasonable price. Even if it has one of the best features and design characteristics, it shouldn’t be too overly priced.

5- The sheath of the Dagger

A good push dagger should come with a sheath so that it can be carried around easily and can be securely kept as well.

6- Ergonomic Grip

The handle and grip of a good push dagger are ergonomic so that the dagger can be held comfortably and conveniently.