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Don’t Miss Out On These Surprising Facts About Cool Knives

Cool Knives

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Knives are a love of many. People like to have various types, designs, and colors of cool knives. Some use their knife to perform their tasks with perfection and ease. Whereas, some use them for self defense.

The addition of cool knives in your knife or tool collection is exceptional. The vibrant colors and a huge variety of these knives make you strive for adding more knives to your collection.

However, there are some surprising facts about these creative tools that will make you more informed about them. So, read this article till the end to get to know them!

Cool Knives

The Broad Range of Cool Knives Available:

The wide range of such knives is the reason behind their popularity. Knives are one of the ancient tools of mankind and this explains the significant role of knives in our lives.

According to the different needs of people, a lot of variations have come into the market.

To serve us with effective results, these knives are available in different blade styles, shapes, and designs as well. This way they can meet almost every user's requirements.

Some of the most common knife types are:

  • Boot knife
  • Hunting knife
  • Survival knife
  • Kitchen knife
  • Pocket knife
  • Fixed blade knife
  • Butterfly knife
  • Penknife
  • Utility knife
  • Butchers knife

And the list goes on. All are great according to their satisfying styles and wonderful features.

Surprising Facts to Make You Fall in Love with Your Cool Knives:

Some knife facts might surprise you. Besides this, these facts also prove that all types of cool knives are helpful tools that can bring convenience to your life. Well, let’s have a look at some of them!

1.  Dull Knives Are Dangerous:

People believe that the sharper the knife, the more it will cause any harm. Whereas, the fact is that dull knives are more dangerous than the sharper ones. But why? They require more force which may result in injuries.

2.  Hard Blades Are Sharper:

If you want the sharpness of your knife to be maintained, go for the harder blades. They are more durable and reliable blades.

3.  Stainless Steel Can Have Rust Too:

The stainless steel itself describes the myth that it is rustproof. But, that's not true. Stainless steel is manufactured in a way that can resist stains and rust. Hence, it doesn't mean that this material is 100% safe against such mishaps.

4.  Continuous Sharpening May Lead to Damage:

The myth is common that sharpening of your knife makes it more effective. But, the fact is that the frequent sharpening damages the real sharpness and quality of your knife as well.

Therefore, if you want to maintain the sharpness of your knife, go for occasional sharpening.

5.  The Storage Matters A Lot:

Many of us ignore storage importance for these knives. Nevertheless, a significant role in keeping your knife like new is of storage. The sturdy and durable sheath for perfect cool knife coverage is a must.

Moreover, the knife must be kept dry and away from moisture in the safest places in your house or workspace.


The increase in the number of cool knives makes your collection more valuable. A real knife lover won't miss a chance to collect the coolest and vibrant variety of these multifunctional tools.