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A Complete Guidance About The Great Butterfly Knife


· Butterfly-knife

In the present time, one of the well-known knives among all knife fanatics is the great butterfly knife. There are different names of this knife that is the fan knife, balisong, or Batanga.

These names of this knife are according to its structure that is two handles in which a single blade is concealed. The handles are rotating and move counter-clockwise.

Basically, a butterfly knife is similar to a pocket knife and this makes it a very ideal choice for many people. People like to carry this knife along with them because it is safe and easy to carry because of its folding feature.

Butterfly knife

History of the Butterfly Knife:

These blades are very old as they were first created in the 800 A.D by the Filipinos. In the olden times, butterfly knives were mainly used for the purpose of martial arts training.

Likewise, these knives are still very commonly used for the purpose of self defense and as a utility tool. Sometimes, military officials, gangsters, and criminals also use these knives. Last but not least, most of the people prefer such knives to perform knife filliping tricks.

Be Careful While Using Your Fan knife:

If you are new to martial arts training and learning butterfly knife flipping techniques, you should be aware that using a balisong is not very simple. Yes, this knife is very difficult to handle and use.

Therefore, being a beginner, to learn the proper usage of a balisong knife, you have to do a lot of practice. This way, you would be able to safely use this knife and learn your favorite knife flipping techniques without having any injury.

Besides this, the blade of this knife as sharp as a razor and it can easily cut your fingers and can cause serious damage to you. So, there are butterfly knife trainers available in the market, which can be used instead of the real knife.

Butterfly trainers have dull blades and this is why these are safe to use at the beginning level of the art.

Some Common Uses of A Balisong:

You should also know that this is not an ordinary knife that can only perform flipping tricks or fun techniques. It is a multipurpose tool that can be utilized in the following ways:

  1. This knife serves as a fighting knife in learning martial arts.
  2. It is utilized as a tool that can be used in different circuses and for entertainment as well.
  3. A self defense weapon that can also be used in close-quarter combats.
  4. An everyday carry knife that can perform different chores.


Precisely, a butterfly knife is a very cool option to carry along with you in your purse or your bag. There are no chances of accidental harm if you have this knife because the blade is completely concealed inside its two handles and it thus can never open itself.

Hence, butterfly knives are light in weight and very easy to deploy when you face any difficult or critical situation. As well, you can fulfill your desire of learning knife flipping art using a balisong knife.

So, no matter why you need this knife, grab it today from a trustworthy wholesale knives distributor online.